The world’s largest student marketplace

Connecting millions of verified Gen Z members with 800+ of the world’s biggest brands, all within a gated environment.

The world’s largest student marketplace

Connecting millions of verified Gen Z members with 800+ of the world’s biggest brands, all within a gated environment.

Community Half Lines

Loved by 29m members, trusted by 800+ brands

Gen Z are the world’s future superconsumers, connecting with them now creates lifelong brand affinity that drives success well beyond their student years. Across 115 markets, millions of members trust UNiDAYS marketplace as the go-to place for unbeatable student incentives, engaging experiences and world-class content. As results, UNiDAYS generates unparalleled engagement, conversion and revenue for the world’s biggest brands. Ready to get connected with this hard-to-reach, valuable demographic and grow your business? 


Partner revenue
in 2022


Global page views
per year


Average category
conversion rate

Supercharge your brand with a UNiDAYS marketplace partnership

Supercharge your brand with a UNiDAYS marketplace partnership

Engage 29m student and graduate shoppers with high purchase intent

Engage and inspire this hard-to-reach audience in a gated, brand-safe and trusted environment that’s engineered for conversion. Improve performance with impactful placements, storytelling and content solutions both on and off network, all with granular targeting and access to first-party data. 


Tap into a gated member experience

Securely and instantly verify your student and graduate customers with UNiDAYS iD, engineered to eliminate buyer fraud and optimise channel strategy.

Accelerate business growth

Drive higher conversion, revenue and true lifetime value from the most in-demand audience that values exclusive offers and promotional pricing. 

Accelerate business growth

Drive higher conversion, revenue and true lifetime value from the most in-demand audience that values exclusive offers and promotional pricing. 

Boost brand engagements

Students come to UNiDAYS marketplace ready to purchase—UNiDAYS generated 1.5bn global pages views and £173m in revenue for our partners in 2022, directly impacting their bottom line performance.

Optimise and strategise with first-party insights

From fashion to tech, food to traveland beauty to lifestyle, get real-time performance data and member feedback that you can trust.

Optimise and strategise with first-party insights

From fashion to tech, food to traveland beauty to lifestyle, get real-time performance data and member feedback that you can trust.

Optimise and strategise with first-party insights

From fashion to tech, food to traveland beauty to lifestyle, get real-time performance data and member feedback that you can trust.

“With a maturing audience and the desire to boost DTC sales, Samsung UK knew it had to up its game when it came to connecting with Gen Z. As a go-to platform amongst students globally, we knew we could place our trust in UNiDAYS to get the job done—to bring Samsung UK to a whole new student audience, boost our customer base lifetime value and raise our brand awareness amongst this valuable demographic. We look forward to continuing to grow with UNiDAYS in the future.”

Michael Durey
Head of Marketing, Samsung UK

Unbeatable brand performance across key categories


Thought leadership from our latest industry reports


Student Insight Report Q4 2024

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Student Insight Report Q3 2024

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Student Insight Report Q2 2024

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