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Using the UNiDAYS Platform Manager

Build brand affinity by giving your audience the content they crave.

Quick Posts

Quickly reach your audience by using the quick post creator to send either images, polls or videos to your student audience. 

  1. Navigate to 'Posts' > ‘Quick Post’ 
  2. Select the type of media you wish to include - either as image, poll or Youtube video link
    1. For an Image, add a descriptive headline to communicate your message, any copy you want to include in the body, and then upload your image (suggested size 350px x 270px) 
    2. For a Video, add a descriptive headline to communicate your message, any copy you want to include in the body, and then include a Youtube URL link
    3. For a poll, add a descriptive headline to communicate your message, any copy you want to include in the body, and then include your poll answers (up to a max of 5). Images can be included with the toggle on the right hand side 
  3. Once you have written your message, schedule it to appear at whatever time best suits you, or save as a draft to return to later. 
Choosing a post type

The UNiDAYS Platform provides a variety of post formats you can use to engage and grow your student program. 

If you are unsure which post type to choose, use our goal selector to get started. The available goals include:

  • Brand Awareness 
  • Engagement
  • Program membership
  • E-commerce conversions
  • Traffic
  • Video Views

Story posts

Help Gen Z students connect with your brand by sharing blog posts, articles and other long-form messages on the topics that matter most to them.

Creating a story post
  1. Go to Posts > Create a Post or navigate directly to
  2. Scroll down and click on the Story tile.
  3. Name field: Give your Story a unique name that will allow you to find, track, and update it within the UNiDAYS Platform Manager. Note: This name will not be visible to members.
  4. Upload an image that will accompany your Story post. Images should be 1200px x 900px in either .jpg or .png format.
  5. Provide a headline for your story that will appear to members (max 82 characters). 
  6. Provide a caption for your story that describes your story in more detail (max 100 characters). 
  7. Provide a destination URL for your story. Destination URLs can be blog posts, website links, job postings or any other publicly-facing URL that is relevant to a student audience.
  8. Click ‘Schedule Post’ to publish your story or ‘Save Draft’ if you are not ready to schedule or publish yet. Note: You’ll have an opportunity to review the offer details before finalizing.
  9. On the review screen, you can click ‘Go Back’ to make additional changes before publishing. If your post is ready to be published, select a publish date and time, then click ‘Schedule Post’ to finalize.

Video posts

Capture students’ attention and interest by telling your story in a more immersive way. Use videos to entertain and educate your community members. Only Youtube-hosted videos are supported at this time.

Creating a video post
  1. Go to ‘Posts’ > ‘Create a Post’ or navigate directly to
  2. Scroll down and click on the ‘Video’ tile.
  3. Give your video a unique name that will allow you to find, track, and update it within the UNiDAYS Platform Manager. Note: This name will not be visible to members.
  4. Copy and paste the YouTube URL for your video. It will automatically be converted to a format that our system can read (ex: ‘dQw4w9WgXcQ’).
  5. Provide a title for your video that will appear to members (max 82 characters). 
  6. Provide a description for your video that describes your story in more detail (max 100 characters). 
  7. Click ‘Schedule Post’ to continue to publish your video or ‘Save Draft’ if you are not ready to schedule or publish yet. Note: You’ll have an opportunity to review the offer details before finalizing.
  8. On the review screen, you can click ‘Go Back’ to make additional changes before publishing. If your post is ready to be published, select a publish date and time, then click ‘Schedule Post’ to finalize.

Poll posts

Keep your finger on the pulse of what your Gen Z community wants, thinks, and needs by gathering real-time feedback. Polls can be created in both text and image formats.

Creating a text poll
  1. Go to ‘Posts’ > ‘Create a Post’ or navigate directly to
  2. Scroll down and click on the ‘Polls’ tile.
  3. Give your poll a unique name that will allow you to find, track, and update it within the UNiDAYS Platform Manager. Note: This name will not be visible to members.
  4. Provide the polling question as it will appear to members (max 100 characters). 
  5. Add at least two response options (max 35 characters each). A maximum of five response options can be provided. To add additional options, click the ‘+’ to the right of the ‘Add new option’ dialogue box. To remove an option, click the ‘x’ to the right of the option text dialogue box. 
  6. Click ‘Schedule Post’ to continue to publish your video or ‘Save Draft’ if you are not ready to schedule or publish yet. Note: You’ll have an opportunity to review the offer details before finalizing.
  7. On the review screen, you can click ‘Go Back’ to make additional changes before publishing. If your post is ready to be published, select a publish date and time, then click ‘Schedule Post’ to finalize.
Creating an image poll
  1. Go to ‘Posts’ > ‘Create a Post’ or navigate directly to
  2. Scroll down and click on the ‘Image Poll’ tile.
  3. Give your image poll a unique name that will allow you to find, track, and update it within the UNiDAYS Platform Manager. Note: This name will not be visible to members.
  4. Provide the polling question as it will appear to members (max 100 characters). 
  5. Add at least two response options. For each option, upload an image size 400px  x 300px in either .jpg or .png format and add supporting text (max 17 characters each)
  6. A maximum of four response options can be provided. To add additional options, click the ‘+’ to the right of the ‘add new option’ dialogue box. To remove an option, click the ‘x’ to the right of the option text dialogue box. 
  7. Click ‘Schedule Post’ to continue to publish your video or ‘Save Draft’ if you are not ready to schedule or publish yet. Note: You’ll have an opportunity to review the offer details before finalizing.
  8. On the review screen, you can click ‘Go Back’ to make additional changes before publishing. If your post is ready to be published, select a publish date and time, then click ‘Schedule Post’ to finalize.

Offer posts

Drive redemption of student promotions by sharing exclusive discounts, BOGOs and other incentives with your community. Note: You will have had to create an offer before you will be able to share an offer post.

If you have not yet created an offer, you can do so here.

Creating an offer post
  1. Go to ‘Posts’ > ‘Create a Post’
  2. Scroll down and click on the ‘Offers’ tile.
  3. Give your offer a unique name that will allow you to find, track, and update it within the UNiDAYS Platform Manager. Note: This name will not be visible to members. 
  4. Upload an image that will accompany your offer post. Images should be 1200px x 900px in either .jpg or .png format.
  5. In the ‘Title’ field, provide a basic description of your offer that will appear to members (max 82 characters).
  6. In the ‘Main Content’ field, describe your offer in more detail. This description will appear on the Highlights page on the app and to program members who access the offer detail page. It should entice members to click/redeem (max 82 characters).
  7. Select an existing offer from the dropdown menu to affiliate with your offer post. Note: Only current, live offers should be selected. If you have not yet created an offer, you can do so here.
  8. Click ‘Schedule Post’ to continue to publish your video or ‘Save Draft’ if you are not ready to schedule or publish yet. Note: You’ll have an opportunity to review the offer details before finalizing.
  9. On the review screen, you can click ‘Go Back’ to make additional changes before publishing. If your post is ready to be published, select a publish date and time, then click ‘Schedule Post’ to finalize.

Giveaway posts

Grow your Gen Z community by rewarding students with freebies, gift cards and other exciting goodies.  Note that you will have had to create a giveaway before you will be able to share a giveaway post.

If you have not yet created a giveaway, you can do so here.

Creating a giveaway post
  1. Go to Posts > Create a post or navigate directly to
  2. Scroll down and click on the ‘Giveaways’ tile.
  3. Give your giveaway post a unique name that will allow you to find, track, and update it within the UNiDAYS Platform Manager. Note: This name will not be visible to members.
  4. Select an existing giveaway from the dropdown menu to affiliate with your offer post. Note: Only current, live offers should be selected. If you have not yet created a giveaway, you can do so here.
  5. In the ‘Main Content’ field, describe your giveaway in more detail. This description will appear on the Highlights page on the app and to program members who access the giveaway detail page. It should entice members to click/redeem (max 100 characters).
  6. Upload an image that will accompany your giveaway post. Images should be 1200px x 900px in either .jpg or .png format.
  7. Click ‘Schedule Post’ to continue to publish your video or ‘Save Draft’ if you are not ready to schedule or publish yet. Note: You’ll have an opportunity to review the giveaway details before finalizing.
  8. On the review screen, you can click ‘Go Back’ to make additional changes before publishing. If your post is ready to be published, select a publish date and time, then click ‘Schedule Post’ to finalize.

Managing Posts

Editing live posts
  1. Go to ‘Posts’ > ‘Live Posts’ or navigate directly to
  2. Navigate to the post you’d like to update and click ‘Edit’.
  3. Make your desired edits and click ‘Schedule Post’. You will still have an opportunity to review your changes before publishing.
  4. Click ‘Schedule Post’ to finalize your changes.
Deleting live posts
  1. Go to ‘Posts’ > ‘Live Posts’ or navigate directly to
  2. Choose from any of your scheduled posts and select ‘Unpublish’.
  3. Once you click ‘Unpublish’, your post will be reverted back to draft mode and will no longer be visible to members, however you will retain the post information for reporting purposes and can republish it at any time.
  4. If you would like to completely remove your post, you can delete it once it has been returned to draft more. See deleting a draft post.
Editing scheduled posts
  1. Go to ‘Posts’ > ‘Scheduled Posts’ or navigate directly to
  2. Navigate to the post you’d like to update and click edit.
  3. Make your desired edits and click ‘Schedule Post’. You will still have an opportunity to review your changes and update the scheduled publishing date and time.
  4. Review your publish date and time, then click ‘Schedule Post’ to finalize your changes.
Deleting scheduled posts
  1. Go to ‘Posts’ > ‘Scheduled Posts’ or navigate directly to
  2. Choose from any of your scheduled posts and select ‘Unpublish’.
Editing draft posts
  1. Go to ‘Posts’ > ‘Draft Posts’ or navigate directly to
  2. Choose from any of your draft posts and click ‘Edit’.
  3. Make your desired edits and click ‘Schedule Post’. You will still have an opportunity to review your changes and update the scheduled publishing date and time.
  4. Review your publish date and time, then click ‘Schedule Post’ to finalize your changes, or click ‘Save Draft’ to keep your post in draft format.
Deleting draft posts
  1. Go to ‘Posts’ > ‘Draft Posts’ or navigate directly to
  2. Choose from any of your draft posts and select ‘Delete’.
  3. You will see a pop up dialogue box asking you to confirm if you would like to delete your post. Click ‘Cancel’ to go back or ‘Ok’ to finalize.
  4. Note that you will not be able to retrieve any data from previously live posts once the draft has been deleted.
Promoting a post

See advertising.

Recommended posting cadence
Your program is in your hands, so you can post as often as you like. However, we recommend a minimum of 6-8 posts per month to effectively grow your program month over month.

Post Specifications

View post specs here.