Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement

Myunidays Limited and all subsidiaries (together, “UNiDAYS”)

The United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”) is aimed at combating crimes of slavery and human trafficking. UNiDAYS is committed to treating all workers with respect and dignity, ensuring safe working conditions, and conducting operations that ethically empowers our employees, members, and business partners. As a part of our overall commitment to our mission, we stand against all forms of modern slavery (which includes slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour, and human trafficking), and continuously work to ensure it will not find a foothold in our business operations. 

UNiDAYS is a leading global student affinity network that has been innovating the ways in which students and recent graduates interact with their favourite brands since 2011. Myunidays Limited is the parent company of the entities that make up UNiDAYS and is headquartered in the United Kingdom. UNiDAYS employs team members spread across the globe. We aim to operate a business that embodies changes and values that our members are determined to impart to the world. We are working diligently to live up to this by implementing internal policies and procedures that reflect these values, and by spurring our partners, vendors and service providers and suppliers to do the same.     

At UNiDAYS we understand that our business partners, vendors, service providers and suppliers play a critical part in upholding our mission and maintaining our values.  UNiDAYS's partners, vendors, service providers, and suppliers include but are not limited to:

  • Partners who advertise and offer promotions for their goods and services on UNiDAYS’s Platform. 
  • Vendors and service providers who provide services that help our Platform operate.
  • Suppliers who provide office-related operations (e.g., cleaning, catering, stationery, etc.).

As such, UNiDAYS conducts the following actions to help prevent modern slavery from occurring in its supply chain:

UNiDAYS Global Code of Conduct

One of UNiDAYS’s core values is ‘Everyone is Important’ and we try to ensure that all colleagues are valued and respected in an open and honest environment. The UNiDAYS Corporate Code of Conduct sets out our expectations of every person who works for and on behalf of UNiDAYS. This includes UNiDAYS employees, directors, contractors, subsidiaries, agents, consultants and professional advisors. Within this Code of Conduct, there are additional policies addressing equality, diversity, and whistleblowing.


During the course of partner onboarding, all UNiDAYS partners are required to confirm their complaince with all applicable international, federal, state, local, and other laws, which includes laws related to modern slavery. Our Partner terms also require each partner to conform with our Business Partner Code of Conduct (the “Business Partner Code”) which specifically states, “UNiDAYS complies with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the "Act") and any similar applicable legislation regarding modern slavery or human trafficking, and requires that all its business partners take reasonable steps to ensure that there is no modern slavery in their supply chains or in any part of their business.”

Anyone who has knowledge of an actual or potential violation of the Business Partner Code is asked to make a report using the methods described in the Monitoring and Reporting section below. 

Vendors & Suppliers: 

All vendors, suppliers, and services providers (“providers”) who we engage with are required to complete a Vendor Vetting Questionnaire.  In this questionnaire, we directly ask potential providers whether they “engage in child labour, slavery, forced labour and/or human trafficking”. Providers who do not provide sufficiently satisfying responses will be rejected as a supplier for our business. Should we become aware of any policy violations by a provider or issues related to modern slavery, our Legal Team ensures that we take appropriate measures in regards to that supplier, which may include reporting the information to authorities or terminating our relationship with that provider. 

Whistleblower and Non-retaliation Policy

UNiDAYS’s Whistleblower and Non-retaliation Policy, which pertains to all employees, contractors, consultants, and agency staff, provides information about raising concerns and complaints arising under or related to the Act, and provides methods for reporting such concerns and complaints, which are also detailed in the Monitoring and Reporting section below. 

UNiDAYS will be providing training to its employees regarding the policies and processes it has in place to combat modern slavery and the reporting mechanisms available to employees and non-employees to report concerns and complaints arising under or related to the Act. This training is provided to employees on a yearly basis. 

We use the following key performance indicators to measure how effective we have been in ensuring that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of our business or supply chains:

  • Numbers of employees receiving awareness training;
  • completion of internal procurement reviews; and
  • use of labour monitoring and payroll systems.

Concerns and complaints arising under or related to the Act should be reported to the UNiDAYS Legal Team. Additionally, complaints may be made anonymously via a UNiDAYS’s Whistleblowing hotline 

The Legal Team will promptly investigate any concerns and complaints arising under or related to the Act and/or the objectives set out in this Statement.

This Statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes UNiDAYS’s Modern Slavery statement for the current financial year. It has been approved by the Myunidays Limited Board.

Ravinder Rathour_Signature

Ravinder Rathour